Under-the-counter advanced RO Water Purifier with KENT’s patented Mineral ROTM Technology with an in-built TDS controller. Best suited for Indian kitchens and offices, this purifier is ideal for purification of brackish/tap water/municipal corporation water supply.
Mineral ROTM Technology
KENT’s patented Mineral ROTM Technology retains essential natural minerals in purified water using the TDS Controller, thereby providing pure and tasty drinking water.

Multiple Purification Process
The multiple purification process of RO+UV+UF+TDS Control removes even dissolved impurities such as chemicals, bacteria, viruses and salts, making the water pure.

1 Year + 3 Years Extended Service Free
Now, get complete peace of mind with 1 Year Warranty + 3 Years Extended Service Free, worth Rs. 3000, on all domestic KENT RO Water Purifiers.

High Storage and Purification Capacity
KENT Excell+ has 7 litres of purified water storage capacity with a hydrostatic storage tank. This tank facilitates pressurised supply of purified water even in the absence of running water and electricity. It also has high purification capacity of 15 L/hr.

Smart Design
KENT Excell+ has a versatile design, ideal for modern kitchens. It can be installed under-the-counter or placed beneath the kitchen sink, saving a lot of counter space. It is also suitable for attachment with water coolers and for refrigerators with water dispenser.

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